Marinara Chili
You don’t need any food prep skills to make this flavorful Marinara chili recipe, just follow the step by step instructions and you will be making a delicious Marinara chili within no time and tastes awesome.
1 Tablespoon raw, extra virgin coconut oil
2 Pounds ground beef (or other ground meat of choice)
1 Organic onion, chopped
2-3 cloves organic garlic
1 jar of organic Marinara sauce (or make it yourself)
Diced organic tomatoes
2.5 teaspoons organic cumin
2-3 teaspoons organic chili powder
1-2 teaspoons organic thyme leaves
2 teaspoons Celtic sea salt
A couple of Serrano peppers
1. Sauté onions & garlic until they are browned
2. Add the meat, cumin,thyme, and chili powder
3. Stir mixture in pan or pot
4. Pour in marinara sauce, then mix it with peppers, tomatoes, and salt.
5. Simmer for at least an hour
This chili is delicious – some tips:
1. I like adding in more salt, I’ve found the saltier it is the better it
tastes. But that’s just me.
2. I like putting the Serrano peppers in a food processor to almost
puree them, and mix them in then.
3. We use Marinara sauce instead of salsa – we were experimenting
one day and it was amazing. Haven’t gone back.
This is one of the recipe to use if you want to show someone your cooking skills
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